Stimulating acupuncture points throughout the body can encourage the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain to promote physical and emotional well-being.
Conditions and ailments that can be alleviated by acupuncture include nausea, headaches and migraines, menstrual cramps, infertility, muscular pain/weakness/injuries, osteoarthritis, asthma, digestion issues, insomnia, depression, neuropathy, and preparing a body for labour and birth.
People who are pregnant may have their nausea and vomiting reduced or treated using acupuncture. Acupuncture can also help to alleviate reducing aches and pains caused by the hormone relaxin during pregnancy. People also use acupuncture to prepare their body and mind for labour and birth, to minimize labour pains, and to turn breech babies at term.
Acupuncture can help to regulate conditions related to infertility such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and painful/irregular menstruation. Activating points throughout the female body can increase blood flow to the uterus and reproductive organs, regulate hormones, and ultimately promote ovulation.
Areas of support include:
Parenting is no joke. Sure the cuddles and smiles are precious but no one really talks about the impact that lack of sleep, hormonal changes, isolation, and stress to be the "perfect parent" can have on your mental health.
This series of virtual group sessions help gain insights into what to expect, how to manage, and also share with others who are experiencing the same thing.
Areas of support include:
Experience a nutritional philosophy that is guided by Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility, intuitive and mindful eating practices and the Health at Every Size® approach.
Areas of Practice:
Current clients can benefit from 14-days of meal planning and support from our Registered Dietitian.
For those who want to create a lifestyle change with monthly support: You can register for support that lasts for 3-6 months.
Coaching Packages include an initial consult (1-hour) and follow-up appointments (30-minutes) along with custom meal plans and consistent support.
Pediatric Nutrition:
Solid food integration: Introduction to solids and allergen foods
Feeding difficulty and disorders
Packages include a fitness assessment, forms review, goal setting, program design, and follow-ups at home, or in the clinic
One-on-one session at home, or in the clinic. Includes a warm-up routine, exercise program, and cool down/flexibility exercises.
exercise therapy and programming for those who like to mix their social time with their sweat.
Preparation is your key to a successful feeding relationship.
During your prenatal consultation you can ask questions and voice concerns regarding your feeding goals (breast and/or formula) with our experienced lactation consultant BEFORE the arrival of your baby.
Learn about baby's nutritional needs, how and when to use a pump or bottles, and even collect milk (colostrum collection) to have ready for when your baby comes!
Things don't always go as planned.
Our lactation consultation can help with latching difficulties due to nipple variations, milk supply concerns, lip or tongue ties, separation from baby, pumping, bottle-feeding, blocked milk ducts, feeding multiples and more! The consultation includes a pre- and post- feed weight check.
Together, we will make feeding your baby a positive, bonding experience.
There may be transitions during your feeding journey.
Our lactation consultant will assist you with breastfeeding support, baby growth concerns, milk supply, supplementing, pumping, introducing bottles or cups, medications while breastfeeding, teething, introducing solid foods, weaning, and strategies for your return to work.
Midwives are experts in low-risk prenatal, labour, birth, and postpartum care.
Midwives are primary care providers to clients who are low-risk in pregnancy. Services are covered by Alberta Health Services.
We support in-hospital and out-of-hospital births and care for people following the same regulations and guidelines established for all maternity care providers (low-risk family doctors and obstetricians) in Alberta & Canada.
You do not need a referral for services.
The team at Abeille Airdrie Midwives is delighted to share more information with you about what midwifery-led care is all about.
Book in for a 30-minute appointment (phone & in-person available) to find out if midwifery care is a suitable option for you, and your family. Our hope is that you have a good understanding about maternity care options available to healthy pregnant people.
Already know that you want a midwife as your care provider in pregnancy? No problem, just fill out our intake form!
Massage therapy can address various types of pain and discomfort.. Jody, our registered massage therapist, is trained and has experience in Myofascial Release, Scar work (including C-section scar), Fascial Cupping, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, treating Acute Injuries, Therapeutic Stretching, integrating Yoga Therapy into Massage Therapy, as well as Relaxation Massage.
Bolsters, pillows & wedges are available to ensure your treatment is comfortable, whether you have a bump, or not.
Our physiotherapists have additional training in pelvic floor physio, rehabilitation, and vestibular therapy. Physiotherapy can diagnose and treat patients with balance and dizziness disorders.
Pelvic floor therapy is used to address a range of conditions related to the pelvic region.
People planning for a vaginal birth benefit from learning how to soften their pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor therapy can reduce trauma during birth and shorten the duration of the pushing stage of birth.
Whether you have pelvic floor pain related to pregnancy, or concerns such as bladder/bowel leakage, urgency/frequency, or pain, our physiotherapy team is here to help you!
Our speech & language pathologist has witnessed the tremendous impact it can have on individuals in various ways. Having been a client of a speech-language pathologist (SLP) herself when she was younger, Breanna fondly remembers the fun she had during therapy sessions. However, she also recalls the frustration she experienced when she couldn't effectively express herself.
Our speech & language pathologist creates a safe and enjoyable environment and works with toddlers, children, and adults.
Shockwave Therapy is a non-surgical method that is effective at reducing muscle, ligament, and bone pain.
How does it work?
High-energy sound waves move through the body tissues which stimulates the body's natural healing properties. The sound waves stimulate an increase in blood flow to the area and necessary growth hormones flock to the area where damaged and/or injured muscles, tendons and ligaments are located.
Shockwave therapy encourages the alignment of collagen fibers that add strength to the neighbouring tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
Shockwave therapy also stimulates pain-inhibiting chemicals which reduces pain sensations in treated areas. Shockwave Therapy is useful at treating chronic pain disorders, and pain caused by tension, strains, inflammation, trauma and injuries.
If you are curious about Shockwave Therapy and wonder if it is a suitable treatment option, then ask us. Services can be used as a part of your existing therapy, or as a stand-alone treatment.
Shockwave Therapy is most often incorporated into therapeutic treatment plans by physiotherapists, athletic therapists, acupuncturists, and sports medicine doctors.
Shockwave Therapy is able to address small areas and parts of the body that have not responded to other methods of treatment.
Shockwave Therapy is a preferred treatment method in sports medicine and orthopedic medicine. Individuals who experience plantar fasciitis, who have had knee, hip, and shoulder surgery, and sports-related injuries can benefit from shockwave therapy.
What can I expect?
Appointments are usually between 15-45 minutes in length.
People usually notice some pain relief approximately 24-hours after the treatment. Treatment plans vary but most people get the most benefit from three to five appointments over several weeks.
Speed up your recovery:
Research performed by Storz Medical has shown that shockwave therapy is effective at treating several conditions.
Their studies demonstrated:
bump, birth & beyond
#110 - 400 Main St N, Airdrie AB
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